Listing products on Etsy from Shopify – FAQ

How do I increase product visibility on Etsy search? Etsy is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms and if you want to be a successful business, it’s almost a given that your products have to be listed on it. But, there are thousands of products listed on Etsy. So here we will help you […]

WooCommerce Etsy Integration – Aiming for maximum profitability in this multi-channel campaign setup

WooCommerce provides a reliable way to run your eCommerce business. However, you need to reach out to your customers to grow your business. Take a look at the current eCommerce marketing trends – multi-channel marketing, omnichannel marketing, and bulk products affiliate marketing top the chart! All these are great but as a beginner, you need […]


Chapter 2: Setting Up your Google Merchant Account Google Merchant and Adwords work together to run your Product Listing Ads. To run these campaigns in google, you will require a google merchant account to upload your product feeds and your adwords account to adjust your bids and targeting. Here are the steps how you can […]